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/a/ - Anime

Anime and Japanese Culture

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名無し 09/03/2024 (Tue) 10:56:28 No. 233
25.11 KB, 500x725
Rimi waifu
>>233 tirgus ir labāks par jebkuru veikalu
why is this so low quality what the fuck git gud
>>235 What are the political implications of this?
1.18 MB, 1092x568
>>236 it's clearly a commentary on the capitalist exploitation of cheap labor, with even an аниме дебушка costing a mere 0,31. the smoking is obviously the classic caricature of a rich capitalist. in addition, i would fuck the shit out of rimichan
>>235 >>237 Rimi-chan in the second pic looks alot like saori from GuP
>>238 I don't see it