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A song a day #2 Jānis 05/20/2023 (Sat) 01:22:47 No. 932
Real IP
old one autosaged
Erasure - Always.mp4
10.35 MB, 426x240
Today's theme
>>1756 That's a good theme
>>1756 Somehow never knew that this is the MV for that song, huh...
15 minute upload.gif
4.67 MB, 889x500
>>1849 It's been 49 days without a post in the daily song thread... This has to be fixed.
>>2044 okay anon I'll match you, day one ^^ I bought this flac just for you <3 well, this 320k mp3 i transcoded that fits in the filesize limits actually good taste btw
okay well three
Both are official MVs, btw
Query: Does it still count as a song a day if I didn't sleep?
>>2103 >>2015 Good to know. How about in a circumstance wherein one personally goes to sleep in the day, only to rise from a full sleep during that very same day, does that still count or does it not, what are your thoughts?
>>2102 >>2106 I think it's more about the day/night cycle than your personal sleeping habits. So yeah that would hmmm maybe not count as two. Not a strict rule though ofc nice taste btw
>>2107 Yes, everpresent cycles are the significant factor, however I think one should account for the effects of things such as timezones. Hwile 9chan is meant for the GMT+3 populace, I think it is conceivably possible that the mean waking hours of its userbase is shifted significantly from the assumed norm, even if it is a bit of a fickle matter, so much so that perchance it is enough to ask such questions. Per contra, tis all a mere rhetorical to elicit text in these otherwise bare file uploads; vacuous questions to PUMP UP bytes.
>>2110 I think it switches over at 6AM
>>2187 Thanks. I intended to upload the whole album in mp3, but I got retarded and uploaded just one in .flac. Really like the summery vibe of yours, too.
47.00 KB, 727x194
>>2189 I really like the vibe aswell, but it's annoying as I never know how to describe it to try and find more music like such. Wikipedia describes him as indie pop >In an Apple Music interview with Zane Lowe, Thomas described his style as a fusion of rock, R&B and Boom bap production he designated as "Rock & Boom", a derivative sub-genre of all three. "...the sound that I'm crafting that's called Rock & Boom. It's R&B with the intensity of rock, it has R&B toplines. The boom of course for boom bap, it's the boom bap penmanship. It's also the boom because the 808s is gonna shake the world."[21]
Telepopmusik breathe.mp4
9.41 MB, 640x480
Oldie, but goodie
I can't get enough of this song lately.
>>2257 that's a very pleasant sounding song, i can't remember if i've heard it before or not
>>2288 checked 88  ▲ ▲ ▲