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/b/ - Baltic/Random

Baltic Anime Website

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Jānis 04/14/2024 (Sun) 18:20:56 No. 1908
41.54 KB, 326x504
185.52 KB, 1919x509
5.75 MB, 640x360
Halfchan has fallen Unironically demands EMAIL VERIFICATION now, starting with /biz/ feels good to watch it get even worse somehow https://sys.4chan.org/signin https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/58388587/email-verification-required
Not related in the slightest, but this reminds of that one imgboard that had you to register an account for, much like a traditional forum. From what I remember it was a pretty nice board.
>>1909 which board was that
i should add they have email verification again now sitewide or else you have to wait 15 minutes for a captcha that expires extremely quickly