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Due to technical issues this site will shut down when the VPS runs out of space (soon)

/meta/ - Site Discussion

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Jānis Board owner 10/10/2023 (Tue) 09:47:48 No. 124 Reply
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219.28 KB, 320x320
this di s you radmin speaking, i treied installing lainchan but it was hard and im very sleepy.... and not sober. will do some other time!
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litchan 2: latchan edition soon.........
Jānis Board owner 07/28/2023 (Fri) 02:20:10 No. 122 Reply
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Some changes. There are less boards yes, too spread out for a slow site. The threads weren't lost mostly, I moved them over to other boards (I say mostly as I'm lazy and theres lots of threads that never got replies). They almost all merged into /b/. NSFW is now allowed site wide instead of having specific boards for it. On that note, the adult popup is now site wide, and uses localstorage instead of a cookie now, making it more permanent and probably more GDPR compliant (I don't know honestly). And I finally fixed the catalog! Themed it too. Go to the catalog on any board, its there now. Not perfect, I have to fix some things with the images, hover previews, etc, but it's there. I intend to port the catalog to the overboard at some point aswell, or even make it the default view, but lynxchan is a Node.js piece of shit so that might wait until the new engine.
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And I forgot to fix opening images inline :/
Jānis Board owner 07/17/2023 (Mon) 21:07:42 No. 102 Reply
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56.47 KB, 720x720
I accidentally deleted bakaba, so now I don't have to worry about finishing it. Shitty vichan board coming soon! (Probably never) Maybe I will even get a color pallete that looks good this time!
1 post omitted.
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>>103 my gf
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Do latvians have similar expression to "pusė bybio" (half of penis), that means "not bad"/"average"?
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>>103 TinyIB fork to replace Lynxchan on here given the bloat and frequent issues. Was working on porting some moderation features from lynxchan, multiple files, and theming it up. >>104 baaaaaaka >>105 maybe but I have not heard this myself
Jānis Board owner 07/11/2023 (Tue) 13:42:00 No. 99 Reply
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Admin here. Concept: Threads IDs but as name colors and optionally post background colors. Thoughts? Please leave other suggestions here. Also I have basically given up on Bakaba, might install a vichan fork for low traffic performance. How has your day been friends? How is life? Should I setup an IRC server here or some other extra content?
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I hope lynxchan dies a painful death Idea 2: admins dont have to enter captcha
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>>99 My day was fine, thank you for asking!
Regarding site ownership Jānis Board owner 04/01/2023 (Sat) 05:38:52 No. 90 Reply
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This site as you may know has not been very active. I don't want it to die, I appreciate it's existence, but it is a burden to maintain. Luckily we have found a new maintainer willing to breath life into this site and keep it running. He's run many before so I believe he has the right credentials. As of today, 9chan is now owned by Y. M. Kuznetsov, commonly known online as simply kuz. It will be making the migration towards his newly acquired vichan shortly. It's been a great run as admin, and I hope this will lead to an even brighter future! Plus as a bonus, by owning this 9chan, he's coming round full circle. - itsonlyme
1 post and 1 image omitted.
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>>94 i thought that was joke, if not lmao
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kuz aids mati.webm
10.40 MB, 1280x720
>>95 It seems real
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>>96 saw the post but had thought of it as a joke. didn't see this mati stream but >they're like a group of teenagers pretending to be like super important businessmen running some incredibly important company called like koima net or some shit they're like teenagers it's kolymanet lmao, it's been around far too long for that >accusing kuz of posting lolicon lmao it's kuz, this is a surprise? soyjakparty really is some of the dumbest people https://web.archive.org/web/20230518132215/https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/3221285.html
370ch Jānis Board owner 05/10/2023 (Wed) 00:37:00 No. 91 Reply
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370chan has removed all association with ⑨chan so now we do the same. A shame to end this way. https://370ch.lt/naujienos.html#12
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>>92 did not know about litchanbanners, very cool! thanks have done my part archiving
Christmas Season Jānis Board owner 11/29/2022 (Tue) 17:09:54 No. 89 Reply
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Tree 0.JPG
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Jānis Board owner 11/21/2022 (Mon) 01:58:30 No. 84 Reply
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7.26 KB, 772x136
lol, not even the correct slurs!
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105.32 KB, 480x480
Why he's mad? Is he a ruslithuanian?
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>>85 Meant to say rusn*gger, lmao
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>>85 >>86 no clue lol
Jānis 10/09/2022 (Sun) 19:46:28 No. 79 Reply
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1.71 KB, 191x30
fix it
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2.00 MB, 404x640
ok. did that.
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8.07 KB, 400x327
That actually broke completely let me try again
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22.66 KB, 480x640
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>>82 fuck it thats good enough
Site Updates Jānis Board owner 05/11/2022 (Wed) 00:23:44 No. 17 Reply
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117.42 KB, 590x885
Thread for site updates. First, there is now a few users. Welcome, it may be small now but try to post or atleast visit the site every once in a while. Second, latest posts on front-page now seems to be working randomly, not sure why, maybe cache issues stopped it. Latest images is not yet working.
11 posts and 2 images omitted.
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384.78 KB, 1774x2048
>>68 borrowed some things from https://gitgud.io/kohlchan-dev/kohlnumbra-nginx may be placebo but the thumbnails seem to be staying, aswell as loading faster, so far.
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>>70 placebo
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160.31 KB, 400x400
NOW the thumbnail bug is fixed finally
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Certbot failed to renew because the shitty fucking script it uses wouldn't restart nginx because a directive was duplicated in a comment (lmao). Instead of fixing that script I removed the comment, it works now.
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There is now NSFW boards. These will not show in the overboard.