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Jānis Board owner 07/17/2023 (Mon) 21:07:42 No. 102
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56.47 KB, 720x720
I accidentally deleted bakaba, so now I don't have to worry about finishing it. Shitty vichan board coming soon! (Probably never) Maybe I will even get a color pallete that looks good this time!
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I'm lost, what's bakaba?
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>>103 my gf
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Do latvians have similar expression to "pusė bybio" (half of penis), that means "not bad"/"average"?
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>>103 TinyIB fork to replace Lynxchan on here given the bloat and frequent issues. Was working on porting some moderation features from lynxchan, multiple files, and theming it up. >>104 baaaaaaka >>105 maybe but I have not heard this myself