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Jānis Board owner 07/28/2023 (Fri) 02:20:10 No. 122
Real IP
Some changes. There are less boards yes, too spread out for a slow site. The threads weren't lost mostly, I moved them over to other boards (I say mostly as I'm lazy and theres lots of threads that never got replies). They almost all merged into /b/. NSFW is now allowed site wide instead of having specific boards for it. On that note, the adult popup is now site wide, and uses localstorage instead of a cookie now, making it more permanent and probably more GDPR compliant (I don't know honestly). And I finally fixed the catalog! Themed it too. Go to the catalog on any board, its there now. Not perfect, I have to fix some things with the images, hover previews, etc, but it's there. I intend to port the catalog to the overboard at some point aswell, or even make it the default view, but lynxchan is a Node.js piece of shit so that might wait until the new engine.
Real IP
And I forgot to fix opening images inline :/