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Jānis Board owner 12/03/2023 (Sun) 01:19:42 No. 129
Real IP
Anons, what do you think about the theming here? I want to compact it but I realize the way it is styled and laid out may be the issue at fault. When the engine eventually gets switched, would it be an issue to retheme and layout things from scratch?
Real IP
40.03 KB, 933x683
I'm pretty comfortable with the current theme, but if it changes, I wouldn't have a problem, tbh.
Real IP
>>129 I still think this site looks like a hacker.
Real IP
37.27 KB, 622x694
>>131 how does this make you feel
Real IP
>>132 cool textarea font
Real IP
2.84 MB, 749x632
>>133 it's ubuntu mono
Real IP
>>132 I'm feeling like installing gentoo
Real IP
>>132 Ever heard of antialiasing
Real IP
>>136 AA is 4 fags
Real IP
9.06 KB, 584x404
>>136 antialiasing suck you cannot get a sharper looking text than bitmaps and that's a FACT apple can get close with their 8k displays and good font rendering and shit but they're still not there! >>135 good idea anon can highly recommend
Real IP
>>138 >not having an 8k screen poorfag cope
Real IP
>>139 PPI over about 90 is a shit
Real IP
>>139 8k + bitmap fants and you win