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Jānis Board owner 03/04/2024 (Mon) 05:51:08 No. 150 sticky
256.84 KB, 500x495
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Alright this site is dying even moreso. How to and where to get users? I'm not sure the best approach here, as generally a more active base is needed first, a chicken and the egg situation. This is a shill recruitment post btw :) Perhaps some kind of adjacent activities or such like other boards do could help? Let's get more users whatever way we can.
816.85 KB, 841x777
>>150 1. The era of chans is dead. 2. This site looks like a hacker. You said you will update it, but never did. 3. capcha. If you enter it wrong, button "post" remains disabled. 4. So far I'm the only one poster (all me) PS. Recently images load extra slow for some reason.
>>151 How does it look like a hacker? what needs to be fix there?? and yeah captcha its still broke on quick reply oops
>>152 >How does it look like a hacker? what needs to be fix there?? I don't know, it just does. It looks like it was "hacked together" by some edgy teenager. This is not a site you would show to your mum. Also iframes makes me sad :(
>>154 >It looks like it was "hacked together" by some edgy teenager. it was and i could never get lynxchan+kohlnumbra working well ;-; thats why im switching to klpchan >This is not a site you would show to your mum. no it's an imageboard >Also iframes makes me sad :( https://9chan.lv/index.html the frames extension on vichan is kinda jank and painful so I might integrate it in the page with some js to show it (hidden by default), but im not sure. that and/or having a /frames.html fallback but not default
Edited last time by REDACTED on 03/06/2024 (Wed) 23:53:21.
>>155 >it was and i could never get lynxchan+kohlnumbra working well ;-; thats why im switching to klpchan Why not meguca (https://github.com/bakape/shamichan)? It was developer by a fellow latvian.
>>156 Despite being a fellow balt creation, meguca is simply put - too boated. What's the purpose of a live imgboard when that only goes into effect with a huge, one could even say too big, userbase? Also why use le rust and nodeshit when all you need for an imgboard is some simple CGI thing like perl or php?
>>156 >>157 klpchan is also baltic, lithuanian :3c
>>150 >>151 >2. This site looks like a hacker. You said you will update it, but never did. move to vichan, it's getting updates and easier to rewrite the code to your liking, since it's PHP(simplest to setup of all) and vichan has many already built-in features. lynxchan gets updated once i year from what i have seen and only updates are the bug fixes and jschan also hasn't been updated in a month, but many new IB admins prefer it since dev isn't a cuck who lives in monkey land
1.84 MB, 952x1332
>>159 klpchan is a vichan fork i get the features :) once i stop being lazy and migrate
>>150 >How to and where to get users print out flyers and scatter them in the wind >whatever way we can. ok boss man ruthless cp spam and report trolling to consolidate the altchan userbase it is
>>248 >print out flyers and scatter them in the wind i've unironically considered this, but graffiti is all i did instead (not the url obviously)