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Anon Board owner 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:11:53 No. 287
401.95 KB, 700x934
still procrastinating working on baltchan. my personal life is very busy right now. 9chan.lv domain has renewed for one more year if this piece of shit can still stay functional for a while
my ni​g​g​er how hard is it too add links to a static html page
>>288 i'm translating, fixing broken features, and potentially looking into scraping and migrating threads the homepage is lowest priority because it's dirt easy to do main focus right now is patching paintbbs neo to work i will have a lot more freetime to work in this in about a week from now also i appreciate your bypassing of the wordfilter, you really must be a butthurt user that you put in the extra effort to use niggеr instead of any other word. not that it's a problem but have you tried funposting and not being an annoying flamer? this is an anime website not /pol/
wait lithuanian is filtered? lithuanian.
looks like owner really is a NlGGER
>>292 :( I'm white!!!
>>289 putting in zero width and getting admins too textwall about it with no u seethe admissions is funposting for me doe...
>>293 scatvians aren't white or however the McChicken is ordered
58.84 KB, 1024x600
>>295 i don't understand this sentence is that some kind of black slang?
be honest cirno u just want me to call you a slavshit baltcuck ewiggeress
you can see thats too endearing for the statement made and the filtered "my lt" sounds too weird to my esl but there u go
>>298 funny picture
>>300 close enough