AFAICT there's nothing redirecting to the KohlCash page in the frontend code, it would be going to bypass page then, which is still labeled kohlcash for some reason, but it's not kohlcash its the standard bypass. Any issues there are on Lynxchan's side.
I'm looking at the backend code and the template and it just looks like the backend is screwing up and adding that, I haven't a clue as to why. Every single occurence of that string is in src/be/engine/domManipulator/dynamic/misc.js, however the more generic indicatorNotValidated, which is the element id used, is in there and src/be/data/defaultPages.json, and in src/fe/src/njk/pages/bypass.njk as the id.
I'm not so great in node nor so involved in this projects structure, so I'm having trouble telling what's causing this.