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Regarding site ownership Jānis Board owner 04/01/2023 (Sat) 05:38:52 No. 90
Real IP
156.92 KB, 940x1108
729.36 KB, 1600x1200
This site as you may know has not been very active. I don't want it to die, I appreciate it's existence, but it is a burden to maintain. Luckily we have found a new maintainer willing to breath life into this site and keep it running. He's run many before so I believe he has the right credentials. As of today, 9chan is now owned by Y. M. Kuznetsov, commonly known online as simply kuz. It will be making the migration towards his newly acquired vichan shortly. It's been a great run as admin, and I hope this will lead to an even brighter future! Plus as a bonus, by owning this 9chan, he's coming round full circle. - itsonlyme
Real IP
33.03 KB, 1259x170
Kuz is dying from aids, lmao
Real IP
>>94 i thought that was joke, if not lmao
Real IP
kuz aids mati.webm
10.40 MB, 1280x720
>>95 It seems real
Real IP
>>96 saw the post but had thought of it as a joke. didn't see this mati stream but >they're like a group of teenagers pretending to be like super important businessmen running some incredibly important company called like koima net or some shit they're like teenagers it's kolymanet lmao, it's been around far too long for that >accusing kuz of posting lolicon lmao it's kuz, this is a surprise? soyjakparty really is some of the dumbest people https://web.archive.org/web/20230518132215/https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/3221285.html