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Attack on the Kremlin Jānis 05/03/2023 (Wed) 13:50:54 No. 106 Reply
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> Два беспилотника долетели до Кремля, сообщают пропагандисты. > Путин не пострадал, иронично добавило издание ТАСС. https://t.me/tass_agency/190383 https://t.me/nexta_live/51687 https://t.me/nexta_live/51689 https://t.me/nexta_live/51697 I hope this is the beginning of something good.
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war is fake putin is jew zelensky is jew they are going to stretch out this war like the holohoax forcing citizens(both russian and ukrainian) to die for israel
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>>108 how is it fake? and if it is fake how would it be stretched out? israel is pretty uninvolved in this war refused to support either side, if anything america is profiting.
Jānis 04/22/2023 (Sat) 14:31:57 No. 103 Reply
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>free money(using LV tax payer money) and housing to ukraine n1gger but not for LV homeless people explain this, why is the government so shit?
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>>103 Lol, are you that homeless who didn't get free housing? What a looser! Seriously though, giving money to ukrainians is an investment - some of them may stay in the country, pay taxes and increase your declining population. Contrary, giving money to LV homeless people not an investment, it is money burning. They are already part of population and since they are homeless it is obvious they are losers who won't return anything in taxes. Your government is selecting the best choice out of available. I'm sure you don't want immigrants from Africa instead?
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>>103 latvia has social housing retard, go and apply if you are doing so bad and it is better to support ukrainians who adapt than a bunch of russians who dont
Jānis 04/20/2023 (Thu) 16:56:29 No. 102 Reply
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Uhhh vaccine sisters https://www.pfizer.lv >Pfizer is present in Latvia since 1997. Pfizer office is located in Riga.
Latvija nosūtījusi karavīrus uz Ukrainu atsevišķu atbalsta funkciju sniegšanai Jānis 04/13/2023 (Thu) 01:16:36 No. 101 Reply
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> Latvija ir nosūtījusi karavīrus uz Ukrainu atsevišķu atbalsta funkciju sniegšanai, tai skaitā Latvijas vēstniecības Ukrainā aizsardzībai un kravu apsardzībai, tomēr karavīri karadarbībā Ukrainā nepiedalās, apliecināja Latvijas Aizsardzības ministrijā (AM). >AM gan principā nekomentējot publiski izskanējušo informāciju par nopludinātajiem ASV iestāžu dokumentiem, jo, "acīmredzami, šīs aktivitātes mērķis ir diskreditēt Ukrainas bruņotos spēkus un to plānoto pretuzbrukumu". >Kā norāda laikraksts, vienā no šiem dokumentiem, kas marķēts kā "pilnīgi slepens", esot informācija par vairāku valstu īpašo uzdevumu vienību darbošanos Ukrainā, lai gan tās oficiāli karadarbībā nepiedalās. >Dokumentā, kas datēts ar 23.martu, minēts, ka līdztekus 50 britu karavīriem Ukrainā esot 17 Latvijas karavīri, 15 francūži, 14 amerikāņi un viens nīderlandietis.
Jānis 04/10/2023 (Mon) 09:39:16 No. 99 Reply
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>force natives to join army >force natives to die for israel >import shitskins Why do we have to join the army and die in jewish war while they import shitskins who do nothing but do lithuanian shit
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Where are the shitskins being imported in baltics? this is not some shitty west europe and if i remember correctly in new latvias case the reason for it is because the amerimutts running NATO wouldn't give certain funding unless latvia put in a mandatory military service even though they at home have none
Jak 04/01/2023 (Sat) 06:14:40 No. 97 Reply
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Estonia is plaguered by western homo cancer
race mixing propaganda Jānis 02/13/2023 (Mon) 08:35:14 No. 91 Reply
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Anyone else noticed mixed race couple in ads and such?
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There was also TV show that featured some spic who learned latvian.
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that's not really propaganda USUALLY,usually its from diverse western nations and they don't even bother changing the people. you'll notice that man does not look latvian either.
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saw brown romanian in mall, a jew in restaurant and white male with brown woman. is it over for latvia? how much shitskins/romanians are (((they))) importing?
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>>94 > a jew in restaurant latvia has always been one of the centers of jewish diaspora what the fuck are you on about as for brown, rīga university moment
Jānis 02/15/2023 (Wed) 20:44:00 No. 95 Reply
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What do you think?
Jānis 02/05/2023 (Sun) 20:42:53 No. 90 Reply
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Do the neo-nazis who think the nazis didn't persecute homosexuals support gay rights? Many in the nazi party were gay, do they want to be the same? Do they get into issues with other nazis who really hate the gays? Is this the origin of nazi femboys? Crossdressing was very popular in nazi germany among the frontlines I remember, because they were so lonely, I saw a DW piece on that. This plus gay nazis equals femboys???? Do you think if Hitler was alive today he would be into femboys? I bet if he was alive today he would be a strong supporter of gay and trans rights because thats a bunch of ostracized people who he could recruit. That's why so many of them become nazis. Hitler was into scat and Röhm so I think he'd be into femboys and even nasty full fags. This is why he'd need to invade Poland, to stop anti-femboy ideology dead in its tracks. Hitler would've been pretty based then. Too bad he just killed a lot of people he didn't like while high on drugs.I wonder what those neonazis think about Hitlers support for a jewish Israel? If you are a neonazis please enlighten!