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R: 8 / F: 3 / P: 1
Latvija window moment
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Slavic looking latvian mudshark burned the coal and now recently just paid the toll. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
R: 2 / F: 2 / P: 1
Glory to Aistija
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would this be a good strategy for the baltic nations?
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The UN fears us
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Trvth Nvke
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We wuz pagiens and shieet
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Did you know that famous Lithuanian freedom fighter Jonas noreika was also a famous olympic diver?
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Estonia has fallen >Ajalooline otsus: Eesti seadustas samasooliste abielu https://www.err.ee/1609012283/ajalooline-otsus-eesti-seadustas-samasooliste-abielu >VIDEO | Riigikogu võttis 27-tunnisel istungil vastu kaheksa seadust, sealhulgas abieluvõrdsuse, tulu- ja käibemaksumuudatused https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120205548/video-riigikogu-vottis-27-tunnisel-istungil-vastu-kaheksa-seadust-sealhulgas-abieluvordsuse-tulu-ja-kaibemaksumuudatused >Kaja Kallas abieluvõrdsusest: selle otsusega astume lõpuks teiste Põhjamaade ja kõigi teiste maailma demokraatlike riikide hulka https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120205750/kaja-kallas-abieluvordsusest-selle-otsusega-astume-lopuks-teiste-pohjamaade-ja-koigi-teiste-maailma-demokraatlike-riikide-hulka
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lefties and jews are not allowed. A few things you need to know, >I don't count albanians as aryan >I count latvians, lithuanians and estonians as white >I count some russians as white but it is a case to case basis That's all.
R: 1 / F: 1 / P: 2
Lai dzīvo tautu draudziba. Sveiki no Lietuvas.
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Daudz laimes Hitlers :D > ka divi skinhedu subkultūras pārstāvji nodarīja miesas bojājumus vīrietim, kā arī pielietojot vardarbību lika vīrietim publiski slavināt nacistiskās Vācijas īstenotā genocīda diktatoru Ādolfu Hitleru, un lika vīrietim publiski veikt nacistu sveicienu, proti, pacelt roku 45 grādu leņķī ar iztaisnotu plaukstu un teikt: "Lai slava Ādolfam Hitleram!" Minētās darbības tika nofilmētas ar mobilo telefonu, pēc kā ievietotas interneta vidē. https://www.delfi.lv/161/criminal/120015809/foto-aiztur-skinhedus-par-nacistiskas-vacijas-genocida-un-kara-noziegumu-slavinasanu
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>Bankām būs jāinformē VID par klientu kontos iemaksāto vai izņemto skaidro naudu, izmantojot bankomātus >Turpmāk bankām būs pienākums informēt Valsts ieņēmumu dienestu (VID) par to, cik skaidras naudas klienti ir izņēmuši vai iemaksājuši savos kontos, izmantojot bankomātus. Tāpat plānots samazināt skaidras naudas maksājumus tirdzniecībā, un līdz 2025.gadam valsts vēlas rast konceptuālu risinājumu universālās ienākumu deklarēšanas principa pakāpeniskai ieviešanai. (((Vini))) censas likvidet skaidro naudu and megina pariet uz (((digitalo valutu))) kur (((VID))) un citas iestades vares redzet cik un kur tu tere savu naudu, un lai vieglak var piesieties. Tas pats ari notiek ar eID un elektriskajam masinam, lai varetu cilvekus vieglak kontrolet un izsekot vinu darbibas 24/7. https://jauns.lv/raksts/bizness/592278-bankam-bus-jainforme-vid-par-klientu-kontos-iemaksato-vai-iznemto-skaidro-naudu-izmantojot-bankomatus
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/pol/bro where did u go i miss u plz come back ;-;
R: 2 / F: 5 / P: 2
>Israeli soldiers battled Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel on Sunday and launched retaliation strikes that leveled buildings in Gaza, while in northern Israel a brief exchange of strikes with Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group raised fears of a broader conflict. >There was still some fighting underway more than 24 hours after an unprecedented surprise attack from Gaza, in which Hamas militants, backed by a volley of thousands of rockets, broke through Israel's security barrier and rampaged through nearby communities. At least 600 people have reportedly been killed in Israel — a staggering toll on a scale the country has not experienced in decades — and more than 300 have been killed in Gaza. >Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country was at war and would exact a heavy price from its enemies. His Security Cabinet officially declared the country at war in an announcement on Sunday, saying the decision formally authorizes “the taking of significant military steps," without elaborating. Hamas leaders have said they are prepared for any further escalation. https://web.archive.org/web/20231008134822/https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-rockets-airstrikes-tel-aviv-ca7903976387cfc1e1011ce9ea805a71 >Author is a "Goldberg" lmfao I'm not a fan of Israel, but I hate Palestine and its supporters much more. This might be fun to watch
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ALLEGED WAGNER INSURRECTION AGAINST RUSSIA >They deceived us despicably and tried to deprive us of the possibility of defending our homes. We were ready to make concessions to the Defense Ministry, to surrender our weapons, and to find a solution about how we’ll continue to defend our country. But that scum wouldn’t calm down. Today, seeing that we aren’t broken, they decided to launch rocket attacks on our rear camps >This creature will be stopped. https://meduza.io/en/news/2023/06/23/prigozhin-russian-defense-ministry-launched-rocket-strikes-on-wagner-group https://meduza.io/en/live/2023/06/23/yevgeny-prigozhin-s-coup
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>Lithuania looks set to legalise same-sex civil partnerships next year, but gay marriage could be up to a decade away,
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Latvian /pol/ack telegram schizoposter, what are your thoughts on this?
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> Два беспилотника долетели до Кремля, сообщают пропагандисты. > Путин не пострадал, иронично добавило издание ТАСС. https://t.me/tass_agency/190383 https://t.me/nexta_live/51687 https://t.me/nexta_live/51689 https://t.me/nexta_live/51697 I hope this is the beginning of something good.
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>free money(using LV tax payer money) and housing to ukraine n1gger but not for LV homeless people explain this, why is the government so shit?
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Uhhh vaccine sisters https://www.pfizer.lv >Pfizer is present in Latvia since 1997. Pfizer office is located in Riga.
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> Latvija ir nosūtījusi karavīrus uz Ukrainu atsevišķu atbalsta funkciju sniegšanai, tai skaitā Latvijas vēstniecības Ukrainā aizsardzībai un kravu apsardzībai, tomēr karavīri karadarbībā Ukrainā nepiedalās, apliecināja Latvijas Aizsardzības ministrijā (AM). >AM gan principā nekomentējot publiski izskanējušo informāciju par nopludinātajiem ASV iestāžu dokumentiem, jo, "acīmredzami, šīs aktivitātes mērķis ir diskreditēt Ukrainas bruņotos spēkus un to plānoto pretuzbrukumu". >Kā norāda laikraksts, vienā no šiem dokumentiem, kas marķēts kā "pilnīgi slepens", esot informācija par vairāku valstu īpašo uzdevumu vienību darbošanos Ukrainā, lai gan tās oficiāli karadarbībā nepiedalās. >Dokumentā, kas datēts ar 23.martu, minēts, ka līdztekus 50 britu karavīriem Ukrainā esot 17 Latvijas karavīri, 15 francūži, 14 amerikāņi un viens nīderlandietis.
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>force natives to join army >force natives to die for israel >import shitskins Why do we have to join the army and die in jewish war while they import shitskins who do nothing but do lithuanian shit
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Estonia is plaguered by western homo cancer
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Anyone else noticed mixed race couple in ads and such?
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What do you think?
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Do the neo-nazis who think the nazis didn't persecute homosexuals support gay rights? Many in the nazi party were gay, do they want to be the same? Do they get into issues with other nazis who really hate the gays? Is this the origin of nazi femboys? Crossdressing was very popular in nazi germany among the frontlines I remember, because they were so lonely, I saw a DW piece on that. This plus gay nazis equals femboys???? Do you think if Hitler was alive today he would be into femboys? I bet if he was alive today he would be a strong supporter of gay and trans rights because thats a bunch of ostracized people who he could recruit. That's why so many of them become nazis. Hitler was into scat and Röhm so I think he'd be into femboys and even nasty full fags. This is why he'd need to invade Poland, to stop anti-femboy ideology dead in its tracks. Hitler would've been pretty based then. Too bad he just killed a lot of people he didn't like while high on drugs.I wonder what those neonazis think about Hitlers support for a jewish Israel? If you are a neonazis please enlighten!
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> “I will remind you that the name of the museum is the Museum of occupation. That's how we live. We looked at all the exhibits, and we realized how we are fooled, how we are fooled... If I thought we had propaganda before, then when you pass through this museum, you know what it is – real propaganda,” She's being called on to be criminally charged, so, like any good Russian: > Grevcova published another video on TikTok Monday, which stated that she did not deny the fact of the occupation of Latvia, but in her opinion, the museum still "did not provide all the facts, because there are many more sources than the museum shows". Many of the facts were also misrepresented, according to Grevcova. https://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/noliedz-latvijas-okupaciju-grevcovas-izteikumus-ludz-vertet-prokuraturai-plkst-1425.d?id=55150808 https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/saeima/mp-grevcova-under-scrutiny-yet-again-for-claims-about-occupation-of-latvia.a492911/
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>Saeimas vairākums ceturtdien, 12. janvārī, lēma nevērtēt opozīcijā esošās Zaļo un zemnieku savienības (ZZS) Saeimas frakcijas deputātu virzos grozījumus Satversmē, ar kuriem tiktu noteikts, ka Valsts prezidentu ievēlē Latvijas balsstiesīgie pilsoņi vispārīgās, vienlīdzīgās, tiešās un aizklātās vēlēšanās. >Par Satversmes grozījumu izvērtēšanu balsoja 36 deputāti, bet pret – 50. >ZZS norādīja, ka gan sabiedrībā, gan ekspertu lokā notikušas diskusijas par tautas vēlētu Valsts prezidentu un šīs institūcijas iespējamo vietu valsts pārvaldes sistēmā. >ZZS atsaucas uz Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita sacīto, ka Latvijas demokrātiskā diskursa telpas vājums ir Latvijas partiju sistēmas vājums. https://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/saeima-nevertes-zzs-ideju-par-tautas-veletu-valsts-prezidentu.d?id=55119366
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> Noslēdzošajā deklarācijā Gobzems, raksturojot īstenoto darījumu, ievietojis šādam dokumentam netipisku paskaidrojumu: "Īpašums tika pārdots sakarā ar Latvijas Republikas izvērsto vajāšanu pret mani un centieniem materiāli iznīcināt". Gobzems iepriekš sociālajos medijos rakstījis, ka viņš ir saņēmis vairākus sodus par aktivitātēm pandēmijas laikā. > Jau ziņots, ka pēc partijas neievēlēšanas 14. Saeimā Saeimā Gobzems paziņojis par atkāpšanos no partijas "Katram un katrai" vadītāja amata un izstāšanos no partijas. > Kā teikts politiķa izplatītajā videouzrunā, viņš "rīkojas atbildīgi un vīrišķīgi", jo viņa vadītā partija nav sasniegusi mērķi, proti, nav ievēlēta 14. Saeimā, tādēļ viņš nolēmis pamest paša veidoto partiju "Katram un katrai". > Tagad Gobzems, pēc viņa vārdiem, kļūstot par privātpersonu, neatbildēšot uz nepazīstamiem telefona zvaniem un nodarbošoties ar "to, ar ko vīrietim jānodarbojas" – ar naudas pelnīšanu un ģimenes uzturēšanu. > Politiķis piebilda, ka viņš tagad nolēmis dzīvot citādāk nekā iepriekšējos gados – "ceļot, priecāties, spēlēt tenisu", savukārt "visus normālos" viņš aicina emigrēt no Latvijas. Vai tu esi "normālos"? https://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/gobzems-maju-baltezera-pardevis-par-340-000-eiro.d?id=55094594
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atceraties sito? also check 2nd pic >israel >LGTV >Progressivie kada sagadisanas vai ne?
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What are the political implications of Juris Savickis not actually dying?
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>Sofija vērsās arī pie likumsargiem, cerot saukt pie atbildības kādu apmātu sievieti, kura, pēc viņas teiktā, jau vairākus gadus terorizē viņu un viņas ģimeni.  >"Apollo.lv" jau vēstīja, ka 2020. gada oktobrī no Covid-19 izraisītām komplikācijām mūžībā devās ukraiņu influenceris, fitnesa entuziasts un trīs bērnu tēvs Dmitrijs Stužuks. Viņa atraitne Stužuka ir atradusi jaunu mīlu - vīrieti no Rīgas, ar kuru ir saderinājusies un gaida viņa mazuli. >Influencere Latvijā ieradās, bēgot no kara Ukrainā. Latvijā viņa dzīvo ar saviem trim bērniem.  https://www.apollo.lv/7663065/ukrainu-influencere-sofija-stuzuka-publisko-video-kura-fiksets-uzbrukums-pie-vinas-majam Kas ir sofija un kāpēc viņai uzbrūk?
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Gaidu jusu dominjas
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>Mums nav par saviem līdzekļiem jāuztur partija, kas šķeļ sabiedrību un darbojas pret Latvijas interesēm, tā uzskata jelgavnieks Gatis Auziņš un vairāk nekā 10 000 cilvēku, kas portālā "manabalss.lv" parakstījuši Auziņa izveidoto iniciatīvu par Latvijas Krievu savienības aizliegšanu. Russian Union may be banneded https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/latvija/iniciativu-par-latvijas-krievu-savienibas-darbibas-partrauksanu-visticamak-skatis-nakama-saeima.a478084/
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>Jewish media says Latvians honor Nazis https://latvianlegion.org/index.php?en/coverage/level-097-2017.ssi >Nazism in EU under police protection, Latvia, Riga https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LdG2jOO07vE >Latvia Banned Famous "Katyusha" As "Totalitarian Song" - Lady Sings It In Every Language https://www.bitchute.com/video/pgPMFUQUkQQS/
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Russia dropping thermite weapons on Ukraine
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>But 2,209 energy resource, metal, and mineral deposits are concentrated in the Russian-controlled Ukrainian territories, collectively valued at a minimum of $12.4T. Recently Russia seized 63% of Ukraine’s coal deposits. >The occupiers control fuel deposits, particularly 41 coal, 27 gas, 14 propane, and 9 oil fields. In addition, there are 6 deposits of iron ore, 2 deposits of titanium ore, 2 deposits of zirconium ore, and 1 deposit each of strontium, lithium, uranium, and gold. >Experts note that Russian control of limestone deposits, which are needed for steel production, is of great importance. https://ubn.news/russia-has-taken-over-12-4t-worth-of-natural-resources-in-ukraine/
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Has anyone else noticed mass influx of niggers, mostly indians, in the streets? Was there flight(s) that imported these animals? I've noticed this, this current_year. Who imported them? Is this part of "aid program to house niggers" by being in EU?
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>«Putina vienības» aktīvisti, pārsvarā vecāka gada gājuma cilvēki, sapulcējušies kopā, lai protestētu pret Baltijas valstīm un Poliju, kā arī to vadītājiem, sadedzinot to foto attēlus. >Viena no aktīvistēm, turot rokās Latvijas prezidenta Egila Levita fotoattēlu, norāda, ka protestē pret Baltijas valstīm ar “šo cilvēku priekšgalā, kurš grib Krievijas cilvēkiem uzbūvēt koncentrācijas nometnes”. Viņa pauž neizpratni, kā tā var rīkoties pret krievu tautu, kas Latviju atbrīvojusi no fašisma un cīnījusies par latviešu tautas laimi, liecina ieraksts vietnē Telegram. >Activists of the "Putin Unit", mostly elderly people, have gathered to protest against the Baltic States and Poland and their leaders by burning their photos. >One of the activists, holding a photo of Latvian President Egils Levits, said she was protesting against the Baltic States with "this man at the head who wants to build concentration camps for the Russian people". She is puzzled how this can be against the Russian people, who liberated Latvia from fascism and fought for the happiness of the Latvian people, according to a Telegram post. >Сожгли прибалтийских фашистов! >🔥🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪🇵🇱🔥 https://ritakafija.lv/2022/08/30/video-putina-vienibas-aktivisti-dedzina-baltijas-valstu-lideru-foto/
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Why do these scum live in WHITE LATVIA when russia exists? like go back you fucking old fuck, you don't even speak white aryan latvian.
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Romanian passport stamp
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https://apnews.com/article/crime-poland-animals-fish-c96e8036a2dbb92ea61ce4df3c97a467 >Przemyslaw Daca, head of Polish Waters, the national water management authority, said Thursday that 10 tons of dead fish have been removed from the river. >“This shows that we are dealing with a gigantic and outrageous ecological catastrophe,” he said at a news conference near the river where officials faced angry residents. >Meanwhile, German officials complained that Poland failed to honor an international treaty by not notifying them immediately about the possible contamination of the river. A boat captain first alerted German authorities about the dead fish on Aug. 9. >According to Morawiecki, the scale of the pollution is so large that it may take years for the river ecosystem to recover. >Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced Thursday that soldiers and reservists were being deployed to help remove pollutants from the river, which is known as the Oder in German and the Odra in Polish and Czech. It flows north for hundreds of miles from the Oder Mountains of Czechia and empties into the Baltic Sea. https://www.tuolawa.pl/artykul/27691,szef-jack-polu-to-czysta-woda-drabinski-jezeli-to-zwykla-woda-ja-tego-pana-przeprosze >To woda z wykopu, mamy pozwolenia z Wód Polskich na zrzut wody z wykopu, ponieważ robimy inwestycję i ta woda sobie wylatuje. Wody Polskie wydały decyzję, że możemy ją tędy spuszczać. >Prezes Jack-Polu zapewnia, że to czysta woda. >This is water from the excavation, we have permits from Polish waters to discharge water from the excavation, because we are making an investment and this water flies out. Polish waters issued a decision that we can drain it here. >President Jack-pole assures that this is clean water.
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https://nitter.snopyta.org/ragnars/status/1555868365381681152 > The First very much (not)official NAFO convoy have arrived to Kyiv & now trucks are already on the way to frontline. It was a splendid only 46 hours drive from London. #WeAreNAFO
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Based how much occupiers seethe, straight to genocide lie!
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https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-ex-prime-minister-abe-may-have-been-shot-taken-hospital-nhk-2022-07-08/ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19130461/japanese-prime-minister-shinzo-abe-shot/ >As first responders rushed to save Abe's life, police captured Yamagami Tetsuya, 41, for the alleged attempted murder, according to NHK. >Fuji TV reports that the suspect is an ex-Japanese military native of Nara city, and was formerly a member of the Maritime Self-Defence Force, the country's equivalent of a navy, for three years until 2005.
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Telegram bros... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/telegram-secure-platform-nato-warns >NATO Official Declares Telegram Unsafe - Declines to Elaborate >Janis Sarts, NATO’s Strategic Communications Chief in Latvia, slammed the encrypted messaging app Telegram during an interview with the Washington Examiner. >“Telegram is not really as it used to be. …I don't think it's fully safe,” he said. “The integrity of that platform is under the question, from my perspective.” >However, according to the outlet, “Sarts hesitated to detail the basis for his doubts about the security of the platform”. >Well, if NATO doesn’t want people on Telegram - that’s surely a good reason to stay.
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>⚡️The #Ukrainian military reached the state border of #Ukraine and #Russia. https://nitter.net/nexta_tv/status/1525935360441720837#m
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https://nitter.net/disclosetv/status/1523989569967996928#m America to hold hearing on UFOs for first time in over 50 hears.
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