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Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 11:54:35 No. 149 Reply
149.99 KB, 720x1280
Latvija window moment
5 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>171 tas logo ir tik debīls. Tas, kurš to uztaisīja nemaz nezin ko trīs zvaigznes nozīmē. Tie ir Latvijas kultūrvēsturiskie novadi. Ja viņi grib apvienot Latviju un Lietuvu, tad vajadzētu būt tik daudz zvaigznēm, cik kopā abās valstīs ir k.v. novadi. Un vēl, Latviešu un Lietuviešu(kā arī Latgaļu un Samogītu) valodas nav tik ļoti vienādas, ka viens otru varētu saprast. Es varu derēt, ka neviens "Aistietis" nemāk abas valodas reizē un vienkārši LARPo. Un kur paliks Igaunija? Viena pati? Ja godīgi, man patiktu redzēt kautko nopietnu no šīs kustības, bet šobrīd tas vairāk izskatās pēc trolling un nekā cita.
>>172 The logo is was made during the interwar and the meaning is behind 10 seconds of google lol.
>>173 Retards existed in the interwar period, big fucking shock bro
Slavic looking latvian mudshark Anon 11/24/2024 (Sun) 15:32:27 No. 168 Reply
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Slavic looking latvian mudshark burned the coal and now recently just paid the toll. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
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brutal, this is why you stay away from lithuanians, how dare they call latvia useless dont care about the the stacy she got whats coming to her. dude was a chad for taking what he wants and not giving shit, fuck stacies
Anon 09/27/2024 (Fri) 21:24:44 No. 165 Reply
Glory to Aistija
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gay edit, I mog
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>>166 Very based and redpilled Anon, heil downler! Do you mind if I save this?
Anon 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:59:49 No. 162 Reply
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would this be a good strategy for the baltic nations?
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Anon 09/03/2024 (Tue) 19:40:42 No. 160 Reply
204.25 KB, 1125x1121
The UN fears us
the uUN fear saer you being a fucking nigererfaggot pashul nahui /pol/ack
Anon 09/01/2024 (Sun) 20:56:59 No. 157 Reply
Trvth Nvke
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does anybody, and i mean even a single person, think he did?
>>158 Probably some american retarded conservatives
Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 22:09:07 No. 151 Reply
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We wuz pagiens and shieet
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we wuz jews and shitskins and shieeeeet even tho we larp with pagan symbols praise i mean for fucks sake the chrisitian bible even has new testament god calling old testament gods actions as actually it was satan, clearly doesn't add up
>>153 Single most retarded sentance i have read in my life.
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>>155 i think you mean the most basedest setnences you've ever read
Anon 08/30/2024 (Fri) 07:48:28 No. 144 Reply
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Did you know that famous Lithuanian freedom fighter Jonas noreika was also a famous olympic diver?
Litho Loli.jpeg
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Did you know that me and my girlfriend if she was Lithuanian would look like this?
I often forget how insuferable niggas on these websites are
Estonia has fallen Jānis 06/20/2023 (Tue) 21:44:29 No. 119 Reply
Real IP
985.94 KB, 2736x1710
Estonia has fallen >Ajalooline otsus: Eesti seadustas samasooliste abielu https://www.err.ee/1609012283/ajalooline-otsus-eesti-seadustas-samasooliste-abielu >VIDEO | Riigikogu võttis 27-tunnisel istungil vastu kaheksa seadust, sealhulgas abieluvõrdsuse, tulu- ja käibemaksumuudatused https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120205548/video-riigikogu-vottis-27-tunnisel-istungil-vastu-kaheksa-seadust-sealhulgas-abieluvordsuse-tulu-ja-kaibemaksumuudatused >Kaja Kallas abieluvõrdsusest: selle otsusega astume lõpuks teiste Põhjamaade ja kõigi teiste maailma demokraatlike riikide hulka https://www.delfi.ee/artikkel/120205750/kaja-kallas-abieluvordsusest-selle-otsusega-astume-lopuks-teiste-pohjamaade-ja-koigi-teiste-maailma-demokraatlike-riikide-hulka
Real IP
>>119 Estonia has fallen
Real IP
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>>120 lietuva next
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join my tg group Jānis 10/12/2022 (Wed) 13:21:53 No. 68 Reply
Real IP
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lefties and jews are not allowed. A few things you need to know, >I don't count albanians as aryan >I count latvians, lithuanians and estonians as white >I count some russians as white but it is a case to case basis That's all.
Real IP
>russians >white russians are slav, you idiot
>>68 damn looks like such a channel no longer exists? maybe your that much of a failure?
1.13 MB, 1944x926
russians are not white