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Jānis 06/20/2022 (Mon) 19:50:14 No. 15
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Telegram bros... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/telegram-secure-platform-nato-warns >NATO Official Declares Telegram Unsafe - Declines to Elaborate >Janis Sarts, NATO’s Strategic Communications Chief in Latvia, slammed the encrypted messaging app Telegram during an interview with the Washington Examiner. >“Telegram is not really as it used to be. …I don't think it's fully safe,” he said. “The integrity of that platform is under the question, from my perspective.” >However, according to the outlet, “Sarts hesitated to detail the basis for his doubts about the security of the platform”. >Well, if NATO doesn’t want people on Telegram - that’s surely a good reason to stay.
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He's right. I dont know about the Russian influence part, but it isn't "fully safe". For anything people use it for, it's not even end to end encrypted, and they've given data to feds including German while claim to have never. Safe to assume the feds would wedge their way in. If you wanted something secure, don't just take the word. Signal, Matrix, XMPP+OMEMO, Threema, Wire, all work great and they can't access your messages.