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Jānis 09/14/2022 (Wed) 18:52:48 No. 49
Real IP
56.63 KB, 940x627
Has anyone else noticed mass influx of niggers, mostly indians, in the streets? Was there flight(s) that imported these animals? I've noticed this, this current_year. Who imported them? Is this part of "aid program to house niggers" by being in EU?
Real IP
No that's just college visas and tourists you retard, as usual.
Real IP
>>50 Some of them come with kids and nigger dads, explain that.
Real IP
>>52 tourists. there's probably less than 50 blacks in latvia, i imagine estonia and lithuania are similar (non-lithuanian blacks, obviously)
Real IP
>>53 what about chinks? they too infest our white country. seen few of them, but the capital has serious nigger and chink problem.
Real IP
>>54 not really. there's far more gypsies than anything and they're still a small minority