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Russians politician denying occupation in the museum Jānis 01/23/2023 (Mon) 16:45:14 No. 89
Real IP
> “I will remind you that the name of the museum is the Museum of occupation. That's how we live. We looked at all the exhibits, and we realized how we are fooled, how we are fooled... If I thought we had propaganda before, then when you pass through this museum, you know what it is – real propaganda,” She's being called on to be criminally charged, so, like any good Russian: > Grevcova published another video on TikTok Monday, which stated that she did not deny the fact of the occupation of Latvia, but in her opinion, the museum still "did not provide all the facts, because there are many more sources than the museum shows". Many of the facts were also misrepresented, according to Grevcova. https://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/noliedz-latvijas-okupaciju-grevcovas-izteikumus-ludz-vertet-prokuraturai-plkst-1425.d?id=55150808 https://eng.lsm.lv/article/politics/saeima/mp-grevcova-under-scrutiny-yet-again-for-claims-about-occupation-of-latvia.a492911/